Wednesday, May 23, 2012

From A Father's Point of view !!

We all talk about "mother's love" she carries her baby in her womb for 40 weeks, how she deals with the nausea,morning sickness, body aches etc etc then finally how she bears the labor pain and delivers the baby etc.Yeah its all true,being a mother is not that have to go through so many pains,so much uneasiness..but you wont feel it so unbearable for its all for your kid. You will be ready to do anything for your will be ready to bear anything,and you will be ready to sacrifice anything..

So is a Father !! I have seen my Pappa,who was, in fact is willing to do anything for our happiness,for our well being and for our bright future.When my parents got to know that I was being admitted in the hospital , my Umma told me how they were shattered. Umma was crying and didnt wake up from her bed,but Pappa was crying too,he told Umma that he had a dream few days back when he was having a nap after his Subhi prayer, a cute,beautiful baby girl came running to him,sat on his lap,gave him kisses on both his cheek and ran away..he called out for her to stop..but she didnt,and he was telling Umma that may be Allah was showing him my baby in his dreams for He has decided to call her back.So I dont agree that a mother loves her kids more than a father does. My Pappa got a sixth sense that I am gonna lose my baby and he was crying too..when a man cries for someone it means he loves that person alot. Its true that a mother does give us her whole body for us to be born..but my point is,so does a father. Its from him,we are born, and I have seen the change in my hubby when he came to know that he is gonna be a father. He does everything he can do for me.He used to do lots of grocery shopping ,to make me eat healthy,he used to buy me maternity cloths so that I can be comfortable,he used to cook for me( which he never does in life,if I am OK ) when I was having nausea,morning sickness etc. He even used to clean the bathroom,after I am done with my morning sickness,vomiting etc. The moment I tell him about my cravings,he was ready to take me out to have that food,or to buy parcels for me.In fact his main worry was that I didn't have any cravings at all :P When I was having back pain,he was at service,with a hot bag and "moov" .All the above mentioned deeds he wont do otherwise. So its all for his child in fact.

And,finally when I was admitted in the hospital,with pre mature labor pain and contractions, I have seen the pain in his eyes..though I still cant make it out,if that pain was for me or his unborn child. I have seen his tension,I could hear his heart beat,and I could read all his worries,pain from his face. Later on when we were sure that we cant have the baby,he was more tensed,worried,about my well being,he was worried how I will face the truth,how I will react when I come to know that I cant have my baby.He also was there,when everyday I used to browse through those pregnancy-maternity web pages,when I used to check my tummy in the mirror,when I used to search those innumerable sites for baby names,and he also used to place his head on my tummy to hear his baby's heart beat or feel the movements.So he was part of it all..we were together when I was having  ultrasound scans and we used to look at the screen with unexplainable pleasure to see our baby moving,kicking..and I still remember seeing the proud and happy father inside him,when I was having an ultra sound and our baby was folding her hands together,then scratching her head and ears..he was so happy to see his was I..

So for me,when I think about my daughter,only that ultra sound comes to my mind..for I haven't seen her after birth. But he has seen her,he has taken her in his arms,and he was present to bury it would be more difficult for him to forget her.And in between all his pain and pressure he was asked to be strong only because he is a father,and to support me,only because I am a mother..and the whole world thinks that it hurts me more..and I don't think so..may be he was more in pain than me..he was in pain being a father and a husband..where as I was only a mother.He has to bury all his pain as a father and to look after me,had to support me..he sat with me holding my hand in his hands..keeping on kissing my hand..his eyes were red,the thing is that I never cried ,for I know he is dying to see a smile on my face..or at least not to see a tear in my how can I ever hurt him..and when we were back at home,after delivery...he was sitting alone in the living room,trying hard to control his heart broke when I saw him..I still believe that the whole world was so rude to him..everyone was around me,consoling me..what about him..its not only my loss..he also lost..and he lost his wife also for a time being..and still no one understood him..I could..and I asked him to cry out..I told him..cry..cry it here to support you..for I am more of a wife than a mother.And he a kid..and all I could do was to hug him and to cry with him..after its only us who lost !!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

I was so wrong !!

I was so wrong..I thought Umma will be happy to be back home..,but she is not..she is in pain..she hasnt gone out even..she is crying over me..afterall she is a mother..her biggest happiness is to see her children happy and safe. she has seen my pain,my sleepless nights..and hasnt seen my laughter for a month she was here..then how can she be happy...i was so wrong..

And I am a daughter...who was trying hard to hide all her feelings infront of everyone...who was acting so well as a bold, brave woman..and an idiot who forgot that I am acting infront of my mother..who can understand your every move..your every nod..and understand your single heart beat even..

When she was leaving..she kept on looking back..and I was trying hard not to show her my tears..I was sooo stupid..I could have run to her..and hugged her tight..and cried..cried out if I am a 5 year old..and her mere hug could have wiped out all my fears,all my tears..I didnt know that a mom's hug is the bestest pain killer ever made..

Umma..., I know I have never shown my love,my care for you..I have always been a rude,stubborn daughter..I thought you never loved me,you never understood me,you never cared for me...I was soooooo stupid to think so...and you gave me all the love,care I missed in my childhood...within a month...

I miss you...and I love you...

Now I truely believe that I can never ever complain about anything to Allah...for he gave me the best of everything..and am damn sure that I am one among the MOST BLESSED creations of Allah.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Bye Mom....

So thats it..Umma's visit is over..she came on 13th April and is flying back tomorrow. I really cant write down what I am feeling now.Am I really I am really upset..and angry..though dont know  what am angry about.. and its true that I always fail to express my sorrow..and it comes out as anger always :( so probably am really sad !

Yesterday we went to Al Quoz graveyard,where my Eva has been buried..Umma wanted to visit her before she I could also see her..though it was only pile of sand..she might have seen us from underneath..she should be happy that her parents and grandmom came to see happy and safe always Eva..Allah is there are a lucky girl to be with Him !!

So the main thing happening right now is Umma's flight back home. All the packing done..everything is fine..but I am not..I will miss her..infact that thought itself is upstting me. She will be happy to fly her husband,to her territory, to her own busy shedules..and I should be happy..that she will be happy..and my Pappa and Dada will be happy too...

So have a safe flight..Umma

Nothing more to write !!