Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Once it was God's own country !!

When I was a kid,or rather till I got married and became an NRI , we used to experience rain almost six months in Kerala,our state.I have always fallen in love with the rain,I love the nights with heavy rain,thunder and lightening..I never used to close my fact we never closed our windows. I still cherish how the rain drops used to touch my face by its visit through my windows,how the cold wind used to caress me,how the lightening used to share the laughter with me..and how the thunder used to shout at me for not blessed were we to experience all these..

My Pappa has planted lots of trees all over our land. In fact now a days we cant get enough of sun light even..because of the shades of trees. I guess from Pappa I got the love for the nature..Pappa never used to disturb any other creatures living along with us on the Earth.During summer we used to keep water in a clay pot,so that the birds can quench their thirst,and my summer vacations were spent by watching the birds,they even used to take a shower with that little amount of water we provide.And I still continue it here in Dubai,by keeping some water in my balcony and watching the birds here.

In school, I have been taught that we have 44 rivers across Kerala. We used to get Monsoon,we never had that hot summers,we had our own share of winter as well.What have we done with all these resources that God provided us? We had forests,lots of trees,Kerala was known for her where all these have gone? Since when did we start to live life more of a consumer..we stopped cultivating,we deforested our forests..we dried our rivers,streams,we polluted our nature..and now we are paying off.And its sad that we didn't even develop to a metro still,even after losing so many things!!

Keralites only know to take a bath 2-3 times a day.We never used our resources.We cursed the rain which poured on us.We cut the trees for the landscaping beauty of our homes!! Still when it rains,we don't try to save some water for the coming summer..we all interlock or tile our courtyards,so that it looks neat and clean,we don't have to worry about the snakes and other creatures coming in our premises.But in between we forgot that along with all other creatures rain, the water resource underneath and the cool weather also left us.Now all we do is curse the ruling party for the delay of Monsoon,for the power cuts,for the drought too. Its easy to cut a tree,but it takes years to grow one.Only we can save our planet..don't cut our trees,grow more..and then the rain will come along,our children can experience the rain,can see the rivers and streams..remember this planet is not ours was of people who lived before,who are yet to come..and of the numerous animals ,flora and fauna and lots of other creatures' too...Its indeed it..preserve it..and cherish it.

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