Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Expired !!

Last Sunday I watched the Malayalam movie" How old are you?" And am not writing a movie review here that's been already reviewed by many so am not in to it. Am trying to speak out how I felt when I was watching the movie. It did hurt me a lot and it left me regretting and made me realize that I didn't reach any where and I even forgot my goals and dreams. The movie throws a question to the viewers "who decides the expiry date of a woman's dreams." We can put the blame on many ,on husband,children,family,society,in laws etc etc but the truth is that it's a woman herself who decides that her dreams are expired. And we are not doing it purposefully it's that we give priority to others' dreams and goals we consider our goal is to take care of the family and to keep the family happy and what happens is after a while we are taken granted and nobody finds it worth! And you become a bore, coward and old lady who thinks about the family alone.

I wanted to become something one day wanted to leave my signature but where am I today,
! Just spending my time in a 2 Bhk flat looking after a husband and a 10 month old baby. I have to say nothing brings more happiness when I see my princess' smile when she finds me home as soon as she wakes up and am sure not a payroll account balance can bring such happiness. But I know when she grows up and is her own she won't need me and I will be left all alone and then again I will regret that I have stopped dreaming even for the sake of my family! I was glad that my mother didn't forget to chase her dreams while raising us and I admire my father for helping her chase her dream. As a kid I could never understand my mother and I felt very bad when I didn't get her always but now am happy that she helped many needy people when I could manage my things. My sister always supported my mother and mom always used to mention that . Today when I spoke to my sister how I felt after the movie and how I felt happy for our mom she said now you know why I always supported our mom and said we can't chase our dreams let's be happy that she does! Yes am happy and proud of you Umma and I admire you Pappa ...

And I know my dreams are expired..let's hope one day I will water it and it will grow again and be fruitful one day !!  

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