Monday, June 10, 2013

The best gift I will ever have !!

It's said that"God always has the best in store for us". Many a time we might not get what we wished for or what we loved a lot,but I believe whatever God gives you will be the best for may not understand it that time,though.

I have always believed in that. Even if its a simple thing which I wished for and didn't get,I used to believe ok it was not for me and I strongly believe if its meant for me it will be mine,and it will be the best I can ever have. And the best example with which God made me believe it is ,my husband.

I know no one can ever love me more than he does,no one can ever stand me than him,and no one can love me more each day than him. Ours is not a perfect marriage,we do have our own ups and downs,our own differences,our own personal preferences,possessiveness and we do fight ,and I should say its him ,who always comes back to me with a smile,how I wish I should end the fight once,but he ends it most of the time!

He can't tolerate if am in pain,he can't bear anything happening to me. Whenever we have hospital visits he is the most concerned. Last two times when we lost our child,he was sad of course but he was more worried how I will face the loss. If I tell him I am having headache,I can see his face expression change,he will ask me why is it so? Is there any problem ? Do we need to go hospital etc, at times  I do get irritated when he asks me why, as if I know the reason!! And it's true that I have become more bold and stronger because of him,cause if any problem comes he gets tensed and will be worried so I started to hide my emotions most of the time. Last year when we lost our daughter Eva, I tried my best not to cry in front of him, I spent my nights in tears,and cried out in shower. He was also trying his best to make me happy and not to remind me of anything. I used to check many pregnancy related websites and had subscribed to one,they used to send me weekly news letters, once we lost our daughter and I came back home,and I was taking rest,the first thing he did was to log in my mail and unsubscribe it,so that I won't be reminded about it every week! After all who else knows how I used to wait for that news letter every week to read about our baby's development.

When I first met him,on a cousin's wedding I had no idea what God had in store for us. I was very rude to him,cause at that particular time ,I hated all men out there whoever proposed me .I was engaged to someone else,when I was sixteen and I broke the engagement within one year,as I knew its never gonna work between us,may be cause I was so immature that I was not ready for a compromise ,had I been a little older I might be adjusting with him now!  When I broke the engagement the whole world around me was against me,they all believed that I won't get another good alliance ,I was least bothered about it. But now I know that was the best decision I ever took,and that was because Allah had the best ever gift in store for me!

Now I know why Allah didn't bless us with a kid for last seven years of marriage. It was to show me how my husband loves me,how he will be there for me always,how we can live without having a child and having a loving husband alone. He took my two kids again to show me how concerned and caring my hubby is,how lucky I am to have him and Allah was making sure that we have our kids waiting in heaven for us. Alhamdulillah ,Allah I can't ask for anything more. What else would I need,other than my husband being with me on earth and here after,in sha Allah! Please bless him with health and please let us live longer together.Please do keep our love,respect,and trust in each other alive and do bless us to be partners in heaven too..aameen!

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