Monday, August 22, 2011

For You..., My Pappa !

My Pappa is the one man,whom I admire the most,in my life.He was,is and will be my hero..When I was a child,Pappa was my encyclopedia, I could ask or discuss about anything under the sun with him.Now when I look back,I wonder,how could he answer all the stupid,irrelevant questions and doubts I asked him..infact kept on asking him.My Pappa is the one and only man ,I have come across, with so much patience..My Pappa was the strongest man ,I had seen,when I was a child,and he used to lift me up..or when he used to play with me.He always found time to stich cloths for my favourite dolls,he always found time for making me new,unique toy cars etc..of which I was very sure that none from the neighbourhood will have.As far as I can remember he was my all time companion..may be because I was the youngest in the family,and got a good age gap between my siblings..I didnt had anyone else to play with.I remember how he used to make small house for me,with the plantains that I can play under its shade,during summer vaccations.

Till my 4th standard in school,he had a bycycle..on which he used to go to school,and used to take me to school.I am sure,none from our place wont forget that scene..still everyone tells me about he used to take me to school,and how I used to sit on my small seat,which he made specially for me.I used to sit on it,like I was sitting in a Benz car!He used to stich my uniforms,my other frocks etc.I I used to pursue him to get my uniform stiched,to get my books draped ,to get my time table drawn,to get my science record pictures drawn.I know I was very annoying..but my Pappa never scolded or got upset with me!He always took me to the fancy store,on every Independence day,to get a small flag to fit on my uniform top,before he dropped me in school.

He has always been very kind to the animals and to the falura and fauna around.Thats why we have such a cool place to live in.I remember how we used to keep water in a mud pot,on a that the birds can quench their thirst,during summer.And we used to sit and observe them..when my mother and siblings used to have an afternoon nap.With my Pappa, I have rescued 3 to 4 snakes..which were caught in the net,which we used to cover up our water tank.May be because all these,I have never been scared of snakes or any kind of such insects etc.In school,I used to have science clubs and all..and I was very active member of all these during every week we were asked to present some new projects etc,and I was the least bothered among my friends,because I had my Pappa,and they didnt! He always came with some amazing presentations,things etc. I have always wondered ,if my Pappa had given enough education,opportunity etc he would have been a scientist,or atleast an engineer..but during his school days..only thing he could dream about was becoming a teacher..and he is...a great teacher.

During my teenage,as every other girl..I also used to hate boys..during my college days..I think I was becoming a very rebelious feminist..but always ,my Pappa..stood infront of me as an exception.I remember how he used to cook and took care of my Umma,when she was not feeling well.He used to prepare breakfast,lunch etc for me..and then go to school,no wonder why my Umma always says she is blessed to have a husband like my Pappa..Pappa does all the electrical,wiring works at home,and he used to repair almost anything...He learned stiching,wiring,and all such type of works from his friends,when he used to sit with them,after their shops..for tea time chat.My Pappa had or still has solutions for almost all the issues at home..he is very happy if you gift him with a tool box,or any kind of new electronic,electrical devices.

I got the scientific enthusiasm or interest in astronomy from my Pappa,I beleive..during power cuts,we used to sit outside..and Pappa used to describe me about the Milkyway,about the solar eclipse,lunar eclipse,about the commets,about the stars.I remember, oneday,during december I woke up at 4 am in the morning only to see the planet Mars..and I went down to Pappa's bed room..woke him up,and we walked for 15 minutes to reach the bridge,from where we could see the sky, our home was surrounded by lots of trees.I can still feel that cool breeze on my face,I had the most amazing scene in my memory,only because I got such a wonderful,supporting Pappa.

My Umma's native is Edappally,Ernakulam district,so we used to go there once in a year,during summer train everytime.As soon as we reach the Calicut railway station,I will look at Pappa,and he will smile and take out a one rupee coin..and we will go to the weighing machine,to check my weight..and to get the ticket,on which there will be some fortune written,and I used to make him also weigh to get his ticket !By this time,Umma will be sitting on one of the cement benches on the platform,and reading her favourite magazine.Then me and Pappa will have a walk from one end to the other end of the railway station,and he used to explain me how the train fits on the they change the engine direction etc.Once we get in to the train,he will keep another 5 rupees note with him,so that he can buy me a cup of coffee from the train,which I loved most about the train journey.Then he used to give me company to go and stand at the door,when Umma used to worry about my safety.

My Pappa,is my epitome of what and how a father should be,how and what a man should be,how and what a husband should be.He has always supported my Umma,always took care of her,always supported us kids,always took care of us,and till now..there is only one person,who I beleive will stand by me,no matter what happens,and who will trust me,when the whole world is against me..and that is my Pappachi.

Pappachi kuttaaaaa,, You are my all time Hero,you are the light of my life,You are the greatest Pappa ever ,and if there is anything good about me,I owe it to the luckiest daughter in the whole world to have a wonderful Pappa like you...Love you alooooooot...more than I can ever express..more than I can ever explain..and you have pampered me alot,you still do,you still wait with one rupee coin at the railway station whenever you come to pick me up from Aluva..Thank God, I cant thank you enough Allah..for giving me such a wonderful father.