Thursday, December 15, 2011

My Thoughts...Finally !!

Though I named my blog Hashina's thoughts.. I guess I never shared my thoughts here..better for you..coz you wont ever understand my thoughts or you can never relate to it perhaps..or you wont even feel that these things are to be thought about :P

Its been a while,I wrote something not because nothing special happened in my life, life is indeed a procession of events..even I had many things which should have been shared n published here..but I guess somethings are better left unsaid!!

So, the latest news is that I am going for a vaccation..hold on.. I really doubt if its a its not ,not at all..I am having a great vaccation here in having so much fun much time here for my own little things..and having so much time to be lazy !! But as soon as I land home, I would be busy I guess...have to tolerate many so called "relatives&neighbours" have to live up to many expectations..have to live many roles other than being a wife..have to be a daughter,a sister,an aunt,a daughter in law, sister in law..a neighbour,a friend,a classmate,college mate,batch mate..a student..oopssss and I have only a fortnight for all these roles !! it seems I am gonna have a tough time indeed..

But I should mention the love and care am gonna get back home too...its really admirable and I wont get it here for it can balance every other draw backs..being home :P

But Guess what...I am not at all excited about my trip :( am not at all happy to go home..I still wonder why..may be the freedom,the bliss I have here..or may be am afraid of the events coming up..I have my sister's hosue warming,my cousin's wedding,my husband's cousin's wedding then my cousin's engagement..College Alumni..and the worst part is that I love being there..but I dont want to face many of them :(

In my initial years here, I have always wanted to go home,wanted to spend more time back home,had so many nostalgic things to do..I didnt like Dubai at any other NRI , I was also overwhelmed with so many feelings when the flight lands on the run cant explain the feeling we have when the cabin crew announces the landing,the out side temperature etc..and then follows the mobile notification sounds..the welcome messages by the inumerable service providers back home..then the messages from our own Etisalat n Du..the number n contact details of UAE embassy etc etc then to see the excitement of our fellow passengers to take out the hand baggages,the duty free shop bags,which they bought at the last moment for their loved one's back home..its indeed a great feeling to be back home :-)

But I guess am more excited,when the flight lands back here in Dubai now !! I feel am home..whenever the flight lands on Dubai airport runway ! Still wondering when Dubai became my home,when the 2 bed room flat here became my world..when I got used to the extreme weather here..when I started to love to explore the food varities here..when I started to love the walk around the length n breadth of malls here...and most of all when I started to be proud to be a part of UAE !

Oh God.... how proirities and opinions change on time..I still cant stop wondering..what are the things here that keeps me happy..,that keeps me wanting to come back here..may be Dubai gave me a life of my own..may be I started living my own here..back home we are living not only our lives..but of many..we are sharing our lives back home..we are indeed a social animal back home...

And the ultimate truth is that I have become more SELFISH !! Though not a pleasant thing to be shared..its the fact..


Monday, October 31, 2011

one of my short stories written 6 years back !!



ങ്ങനെ അവസാനം അമ്മായിയും എത്തി.കരഞ്ഞുകൊണ്ടാണ് പത്തായപ്പുരയിലേക്ക് കയറിയതുതന്നെ.ഞാനപ്പോള്‍ മേലെപറമ്പിലായിരുന്നു.ഉണ്ണിമാങ്ങകള്‍ വീഴാന്‍ തുടങ്ങിയിരിക്കുന്നു.പെറുക്കിക്കൊണ്ടു ചെന്നാല്‍ അമ്മിണിയമ്മ മുളകും ഉപ്പും ചേര്‍ത്ത് മുറിച്ചിട്ടു തരും,മീരക്കുഞ്ഞിന് എരിയാതിരിക്കന്‍ അല്പം എണ്ണയും ചേര്‍ക്കും.ഇനി അതുവേണ്ടെന്നു പറയണം.സ്റ്റേറ്റ്സില്‍ നിന്നു വന്നയുടനെ എനിക്ക് എരിവ് തീരെ പിടിക്കില്ലായിരുന്നു.ഇപ്പോള്‍ എരിവില്ലാതെ പറ്റില്ലെന്നായിരികുന്നു.കിട്ടിയ ഉണ്ണിമാങ്ങകളും പെറുക്കി പിന്നാമ്പുറത്തു ചെന്നപ്പോഴാണ് അമ്മായി വന്നത് അമ്മിണിയമ്മ പറഞ്ഞത്.

ഞാനങ്ങോട്ട് ചെല്ലുമ്പോള്‍ അമ്മയി എണ്ണിപ്പെറുക്കി കരയുന്നുണ്ടായിരുന്നു.5 ആങ്ങളമാരുണ്ടായിരുന്നിട്ടെന്താ.എന്‍റെ അച്ഛന് ഈ ഗതി വന്നല്ലോ എന്നും പറഞ്ഞ്.അമ്മായിയാണ് ഏറ്റവും ഇളയത്.എന്‍റെ അച്ഛന്‍ മൂത്തതും.അമ്മിണിയമ്മ പറഞ്ഞു.

സ്റ്റേറ്റ്സില്‍ നിന്നു വന്ന് ഒരാഴ്ച്ചക്കുള്ളില്‍ പപ്പക്കും മമ്മക്കും വിഷ്ണുവിനും മടുത്തു.അയ്യോ!ഏട്ടനെ പേരെടുത്ത് വിളിക്കന്‍ പാടില്ലെന്ന അമ്മിണിയമ്മ പറഞ്ഞത്.എന്‍റെ ഫ്രന്‍റ്സ് എല്ലാം അങ്ങനെയാണല്ലോ വിളിക്കുന്നത്!എനിക്ക് വെക്കേഷന്‍ ആയതുകൊണ്ട് ഇവിടെ നിര്‍ത്താമെന്ന് തീരുമാനിച്ച് അവര്‍ മടങ്ങി.മൂത്ത മകന്‍റെ പ്രതിനിധിയായി മകള്‍!

അവര്‍ മടങ്ങിയതിനു ശേഷം എന്നെ അപ്പൂപ്പന്‍ വിളിപ്പിച്ചു.എനിക്ക് പത്തായപുരയിലേക്ക് പോകുന്നതുതന്നെ ഇഷ്ടമില്ലായിരുന്നു.ആ കെട്ടിടം മുഴുവന്‍ കഷായത്തിന്‍റെയും മറ്റു പച്ചമരുന്നുകളുടെയും മണമാണ്.അപ്പൂപ്പന്‍റെ കട്ടിലിന്‍റെ കയ്യില്‍ തോര്‍ത്ത് മുണ്ട് ഉണ്ടാവും.അതില്‍ നിന്ന് ഒരു ലിറ്റര്‍ എണ്ണ പിഴിഞ്ഞെടുക്കാം!അപ്പൂപ്പന്‍ എന്നെ തിരിച്ചറിഞ്ഞു!അതിന് എന്നെ ആദ്യമായിട്ട് കാ‍ണുകയല്ലേ.ഞാനുണ്ടായതും വളര്‍ന്നതും സ്റ്റേറ്റ്സില്‍ അല്ലെ!അമ്മൂമ്മയുടെ പേരിട്ട പേരക്കിടാവിനെ ഇതുവരെ കാണാത്ത പേരക്കിടാവിനെ വിളിപ്പിച്ചെന്ന്!

അപ്പൂപ്പന്‍ അടുത്തു പിടിച്ചിരുത്തി,മുടിയില്‍ തഴുകി.എനിക്ക് അമ്മൂമ്മയുടെ കണ്ണുകള്‍ കിട്ടിയിട്ടുണ്ടെന്ന് പറഞ്ഞു,തിളങ്ങുന്ന കണ്ണുകള്‍.അമ്മൂമ്മക്ക് നല്ല മുടിയുണ്ടായിരുന്നെന്നും പക്ഷേ,എന്‍റെ മുടി ചെമ്പനാണ്.ബ്ലോണ്ട് ആണ് ട്രെന്‍റ്,പിന്നെ തോളൊപ്പമേ ഉള്ളുതാനും.അമ്മിണിയമ്മയോട് പറഞ്ഞു,കാച്ചെണ്ണ തേച്ച് കുളിപ്പിക്കണമെന്ന്!പതുക്കെപ്പതുക്കെ ഞാന്‍ അപ്പൂപ്പനുമായും ആ വീടുമായും അടുത്തു.

ഇവിടെ എന്തെല്ലാം മണങ്ങള്‍ ആണെന്നോ!മഴ പെയ്താല്‍ മണ്ണില്‍ നിന്നും പൊങ്ങുന്ന മണം.ഓരോ മഴക്കും വ്യത്യസ്ത മണമാണ്.കൊയ്ത്തു കഴിഞ്ഞ പാടത്തിന്‍റെ മണം,ചാണകം മെഴുകിയ മുറ്റത്തിന്‍റെ മണം,തുളസിത്തറയുടെ മണം,കാളയെ പൂടുമ്പോള്‍ വയലില്‍ നിന്നും പൊങ്ങുന്ന മണം,കുളത്തിലെ വെള്ളത്തിന്‍റെ,ആമ്പലിന്‍റെ മണം,പൂവാലിപ്പശു പുല്ലു തിന്നുമ്പോഴുള്ള മണം,കേശവേട്ടന്‍ തേങ്ങയിട്ട് ക്ഷീണിച്ച് വരുമ്പോള്‍ ഉണ്ടാകുന്ന കൊതുമ്പിന്‍റെയും മറ്റും പൊടി ഒട്ടിപ്പിടിച്ചിരിക്കുന്ന ദേഹത്തിന്‍റെ വിയര്‍പ്പു മണം....എന്തിന് അമ്മിണിയമ്മക്കുപോലും ഉണ്ട് ഒരു തരം ആകര്‍ഷിക്കുന്ന മണം.

ഞാനെല്ലാ ദിവസവും രാവിലെ എഴുന്നേറ്റ് കുളത്തില്‍ കുളിക്കാന്‍ പോകും.മാവില കൊണ്ട് പല്ല് തേക്കും.താളിയിട്ട് മെഴുക്ക് കളഞ്ഞ മുടി വിടര്‍ത്തിയിട്ട് രാവിലെ അപ്പൂപ്പന്‍റെ കൂടെ പാല്‍കഞ്ഞി കുടിക്കും...അപ്പൂപ്പന്‍ ഒരല്‍പ്പം ദശമൂലാരിഷ്ടവും തരും.ഉച്ചക്ക് നല്ല ഊണും.വാഴയിലയില്‍ വേണമെന്ന് അപ്പൂപ്പന് നിര്‍ബന്ധമാണ്.നല്ല മെഴുക്കുപുരട്ടിയും,സാമ്പാറും,അവിയലും,മുളക് കൊണ്ടാട്ടവും,പപ്പടവും.അപ്പൂപ്പനാണ് ഇലയില്‍ നിന്നു പായസം കുടിക്കന്‍ പഠിപ്പിച്ചത്.അപ്പൂപ്പന്‍റെ മുറിയുടെ മണം എനിക്ക് ഇഷ്ടമായി തുടങ്ങിയിരുന്നു.പതുക്കെ അപ്പൂപ്പന്‍ ആരോഗ്യം വീണ്ടെടുത്തു തുടങ്ങി.എനിക്ക് മലയാളം അക്ഷരങ്ങള്‍ പഠിപ്പിച്ചു തന്നു.എന്തൊരു ബുദ്ധിമുട്ടാണ് ‘അ‘ എന്നെഴുതാന്‍!മലയാളികളെ സമ്മതിക്കണം.റിയലി മലയാളം ഈസ് ഡിഫികല്‍ട്ട്.

അപ്പൂപ്പന്‍ ഉറങ്ങുന്ന സമയം മുഴുവന്‍ ഞാന്‍ പറമ്പിലായിരിക്കും.അമ്മിണിയമ്മയുടെ മകള്‍ പാര്‍വ്വതിയുടെയും മകന്‍ ഉണ്ണിയുടെയും കൂടെ.പാര്‍വ്വതി ശിവന്‍റെ ഭാര്യയാണത്രേ!ഈ വരുന്ന ശിവരാത്രിക്ക് എന്നെ ശിവന്‍റെ അമ്പലത്തില്‍ കൊണ്ടു പോകാമെന്ന് അപ്പൂപ്പന്‍ പറഞ്ഞു.സന്ധ്യക്ക് വിളക്ക് വെക്കണമെന്നും നാമം ജപിക്കണമെന്നും അപ്പൂപ്പന്‍ പറഞ്ഞു.രാമായണവും മഹാഭാരതവും എല്ലാം പറഞ്ഞുതന്നു.

അപ്പൂപ്പന്‍ ഇന്ത്യന്‍ റെയില്‍ വേയില്‍ സ്റ്റേഷന്‍ മാസ്റ്റ്ര്‍ ആയിരുന്നത്രേ!അപ്പൂപ്പന്‍ ജോലി ചെയ്ത സ്റ്റേഷനുകളെക്കുറിച്ചും ധാരാളം പറയാറുണ്ട്.ഹിമസാഗര്‍ അപ്പൂപ്പന്‍റെ പ്രിയപ്പെട്ട ട്രെയിന്‍ ആണത്രേ!അപ്പൂപ്പന് ചെറിയ ഗ്രാമപ്രദേശങ്ങളിലെ സ്റ്റേഷനുകളില്‍ ജോലി ചെയ്യന്‍ ആയിരുന്നത്രേ ഇഷ്ടം.റെയിലുകളില്‍ നിന്നും പ്ലാറ്റ്ഫോമുകളില്‍ നിന്നും പശുക്കളെയും ആട്ടിന്‍ പറ്റത്തേയും ഓടിക്കുകയായിരുന്നത്രേ പ്രധാന പണി!

അടുത്ത ദിവസം ഏട്ടന്‍ വരുന്നു....എന്നെ കൊണ്ടുപോകാന്‍.എനിക്ക് ക്ലാസ് തുടങ്ങുന്നു...അടുത്ത മാസം മുതല്‍...ഏട്ടന്‍ ശരിക്കും ഒരു അമേരിക്കക്കാരനായിരിക്കുന്നു.ഞാന്‍ കറുത്തു എന്നു പറഞ്ഞു.ഈ കറുപ്പിനും ഒരു ഭംഗിയില്ലേ!എന്‍റെ സില്‍ക്കി ബ്ലോണ്ട് ഹെയര്‍ ഇപ്പോള്‍ നല്ലവണ്ണം കറുത്തു തഴച്ചു വളര്‍ന്നിരിക്കുന്നു.എനിക്ക് ബ്ലോണ്ട് ഹെയര്‍ ആണത്രെ നല്ലത്.ഏയ്...ഇതിനും ഒരു ഭംഗിയുണ്ട്.അപ്പൂപ്പന്‍ ഇറങ്ങാന്‍നേരം കെട്ടിപ്പിടിച്ച് നെറ്റിയില്‍ ഒരു ഉമ്മ തന്നു.വായിക്കാന്‍ ഒരു കെട്ട് പുസ്ത്തകങ്ങളും....

ഇപ്പോള്‍ എനിക്ക് ഓരോ മാസവും അപ്പൂപ്പന്‍റെ എഴുത്ത് വരും.അതിന് തീവണ്ടിയുടെ താളമാണ്...മണ്ണിന്‍റെ ഗന്ധമാണ്.ഉണ്ണിമാങ്ങയുടെ രുചിയാണ്.അക്ഷരങ്ങള്‍ക്ക് അമ്മിണിയമ്മയുടെ ഭംഗിയുമാണ്....

അച്ഛനും,ചെറിയച്ഛന്മാരും മത്സരമാണ്...അപ്പൂപ്പനെ തങ്ങളുടെ കൂടെ കൊണ്ടു വരാന്‍...അപ്പോഴാണറിഞ്ഞത് അപ്പൂപ്പന് ഓര്‍മ്മ നഷ്ടപ്പെട്ടെന്ന്....അള്‍ഷിമേഴ്സ് ആണെന്ന്.എങ്ങോട്ടും വരാന്‍ കൂട്ടാക്കുന്നില്ലെന്ന്...

ഈ മാസവും എനിക്ക് എഴുത്ത് കിട്ടി.അപ്പൂപ്പന്‍റെ ഓര്‍മ്മകള്‍ക്കും അപ്പുറത്ത്...ഞാനുണ്ടെന്ന്...ഇനിയും ഒരുപാട് തീവണ്ടിക്കഥകള്‍ പറയാനുണ്ടെന്ന്...കൂട്ടിന് അമ്മൂമ്മയുടെ ഫോട്ടോയും കേശവേട്ടനും,അമ്മിണിയമ്മയും പൂവാലിപ്പശുവും ഇപ്പോള്‍....ഞാനും ഉണ്ടെന്ന്........

ഞാനും ഒരു മറുപടി അയച്ചു.മീരാമേനോന് യൂണിവേഴ്സിറ്റിയില്‍ നിന്നു പുരസ്കാരം ലഭിച്ചെന്നും ഞാനിപ്പോള്‍ കൂട്ടുകാര്‍ക്കിടയില്‍ ഒരു സ്റ്റാര്‍ ആണെന്നും.എന്‍റെ തീസിസ് പബ്ലിഷ് ചെയ്യാന്‍ പോകുന്നു...വിവിധ തരം ഗന്ധങ്ങള്‍,അത് ട്രാന്‍സ്ലേറ്റ് ചെയ്യാന്‍ എനിക്കാവില്ല....കാരണം അതിനിന്നും എന്‍റെ അപ്പൂപ്പന്‍റെ മണം നഷ്ടമായാലോ?!


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Sunday, October 9, 2011

My Richa !!!

Its been always a tough task for me..whenever I was asked to describe about my Richa or our friendship. Sometimes in life, we are left speechless..not because we dont have anything to tell ,but because the whole words used in the world wont be enough to express our love,care and feelings for one particular person...and Richa is one of them! I dont know from where should I we became friends..still we both dont just happened..and its just the way it was...She came in to my life,when I was 8 years its been 17 long years..she has been with all the matter..its summer,winter, or raining..she always stood by me..always holding my hand..and never letting me down.She is the one who loved me for what and how I am...she never wanted to change anything in me..perhaps she might be the only person in this whole world..who loves me alot..for the person I am..I was perfect atleast in her eyes..

She has seen my childhood, she has seen my teenage,she is with me in my youth...and I know no matter what..she will be with me till death part us. Someone can be considered the most luckiest person..if she/he has a friend who will stay by you, who can understand you,who will trust you,who will have faith in you..when the whole world is against you,and when the whole world fails to understand you..and without any doubt I can say that I am the luckiest girl in the whole world..because I have you,my Richa!

I owe a lot to you My Richa, For giving me loads n loads of love,for caring me like anything..for understanding me,like none else ever did..and for giving me such a beautiful family..who love me just the way they love you..just the way you love me..I have always felt I am home,whenever I was with you and your family..I had all the freedom, I could ask for at your- no at our home! I could ask anything and everything to our Parents,Grand parents..and our sweet sisters at home!

I love you not only for what you are,
But for what I am when I am with you.
I love you not only for what you have made of yourself,
But for what you are making of me.
I love you because you have made more than any creed could have done to make me good
And more than any fate could have done to make me happy.

And you have done all these,by just being yourself..
You have done all these without a touch,without a word and without a sign
Perhaps, that's what being a friend means...

Love you loadsssssss da...and miss you terribly....

Have a Great Birthday My ever dearest Richa! I miss being with you,on your special day..but you know I am always there with Have a blasttt..enjoooy and take care..Happyyyyy Birthdayyyy My Love !!!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Human Being-The Most Unpredictable creation of God !!!

I was away from my home,for a week...and those 7 days could make me realize so many things about us!! My Hubby had gone India,for a business trip and he went home also for 3 days n came back after a week. So,as always I was with my sis and family ,in sharjah...this time,my parents were also my sis delivered a baby girl here,on 18th. So naturally I should be happy,should be relaxed.But to my surprise,I was not!! I was with my great parents,my sweet sis and most of all her cute diamonds..and I was busy with her new born baby girl as well..but still I was missing something,was missing someone! I was missing my own little world, I was missing my love...I was missing my favourite music on the radio,was missing my sofa,where I spent all my day,cuddling with my little pillow! was missing my own smallest pleasures...You guyz must be thinking,what's so new about it..its natural..everyone misses all these..yeah everyone does.

I was thinking ,how our priorities keep on changing..there was a time,when all I wanted ,was to be with my parents and siblings..while they were all busy..then at one point of life,all I wanted was to be with my wolrd was my friends..then after marriage,suddenly my whole world became one single person...everything around seemed so irrelevant within days..Isnt it amazing how our priorities change each day ,and in years passing by? Infact we are becoming more selfish,day by day...atleast in my case,I feel world has become too wishes and dreams has become too small..and I dont like that change at all..I have never wanted to be so..but time has changed me too..

I think Man is the most unpredictable creature made by God Almighty! We cant even guess how someone will respond to same issue,on different point of time!! Priorities keep on changing...Dont know what will be my priority in future :(

Monday, August 22, 2011

For You..., My Pappa !

My Pappa is the one man,whom I admire the most,in my life.He was,is and will be my hero..When I was a child,Pappa was my encyclopedia, I could ask or discuss about anything under the sun with him.Now when I look back,I wonder,how could he answer all the stupid,irrelevant questions and doubts I asked him..infact kept on asking him.My Pappa is the one and only man ,I have come across, with so much patience..My Pappa was the strongest man ,I had seen,when I was a child,and he used to lift me up..or when he used to play with me.He always found time to stich cloths for my favourite dolls,he always found time for making me new,unique toy cars etc..of which I was very sure that none from the neighbourhood will have.As far as I can remember he was my all time companion..may be because I was the youngest in the family,and got a good age gap between my siblings..I didnt had anyone else to play with.I remember how he used to make small house for me,with the plantains that I can play under its shade,during summer vaccations.

Till my 4th standard in school,he had a bycycle..on which he used to go to school,and used to take me to school.I am sure,none from our place wont forget that scene..still everyone tells me about he used to take me to school,and how I used to sit on my small seat,which he made specially for me.I used to sit on it,like I was sitting in a Benz car!He used to stich my uniforms,my other frocks etc.I I used to pursue him to get my uniform stiched,to get my books draped ,to get my time table drawn,to get my science record pictures drawn.I know I was very annoying..but my Pappa never scolded or got upset with me!He always took me to the fancy store,on every Independence day,to get a small flag to fit on my uniform top,before he dropped me in school.

He has always been very kind to the animals and to the falura and fauna around.Thats why we have such a cool place to live in.I remember how we used to keep water in a mud pot,on a that the birds can quench their thirst,during summer.And we used to sit and observe them..when my mother and siblings used to have an afternoon nap.With my Pappa, I have rescued 3 to 4 snakes..which were caught in the net,which we used to cover up our water tank.May be because all these,I have never been scared of snakes or any kind of such insects etc.In school,I used to have science clubs and all..and I was very active member of all these during every week we were asked to present some new projects etc,and I was the least bothered among my friends,because I had my Pappa,and they didnt! He always came with some amazing presentations,things etc. I have always wondered ,if my Pappa had given enough education,opportunity etc he would have been a scientist,or atleast an engineer..but during his school days..only thing he could dream about was becoming a teacher..and he is...a great teacher.

During my teenage,as every other girl..I also used to hate boys..during my college days..I think I was becoming a very rebelious feminist..but always ,my Pappa..stood infront of me as an exception.I remember how he used to cook and took care of my Umma,when she was not feeling well.He used to prepare breakfast,lunch etc for me..and then go to school,no wonder why my Umma always says she is blessed to have a husband like my Pappa..Pappa does all the electrical,wiring works at home,and he used to repair almost anything...He learned stiching,wiring,and all such type of works from his friends,when he used to sit with them,after their shops..for tea time chat.My Pappa had or still has solutions for almost all the issues at home..he is very happy if you gift him with a tool box,or any kind of new electronic,electrical devices.

I got the scientific enthusiasm or interest in astronomy from my Pappa,I beleive..during power cuts,we used to sit outside..and Pappa used to describe me about the Milkyway,about the solar eclipse,lunar eclipse,about the commets,about the stars.I remember, oneday,during december I woke up at 4 am in the morning only to see the planet Mars..and I went down to Pappa's bed room..woke him up,and we walked for 15 minutes to reach the bridge,from where we could see the sky, our home was surrounded by lots of trees.I can still feel that cool breeze on my face,I had the most amazing scene in my memory,only because I got such a wonderful,supporting Pappa.

My Umma's native is Edappally,Ernakulam district,so we used to go there once in a year,during summer train everytime.As soon as we reach the Calicut railway station,I will look at Pappa,and he will smile and take out a one rupee coin..and we will go to the weighing machine,to check my weight..and to get the ticket,on which there will be some fortune written,and I used to make him also weigh to get his ticket !By this time,Umma will be sitting on one of the cement benches on the platform,and reading her favourite magazine.Then me and Pappa will have a walk from one end to the other end of the railway station,and he used to explain me how the train fits on the they change the engine direction etc.Once we get in to the train,he will keep another 5 rupees note with him,so that he can buy me a cup of coffee from the train,which I loved most about the train journey.Then he used to give me company to go and stand at the door,when Umma used to worry about my safety.

My Pappa,is my epitome of what and how a father should be,how and what a man should be,how and what a husband should be.He has always supported my Umma,always took care of her,always supported us kids,always took care of us,and till now..there is only one person,who I beleive will stand by me,no matter what happens,and who will trust me,when the whole world is against me..and that is my Pappachi.

Pappachi kuttaaaaa,, You are my all time Hero,you are the light of my life,You are the greatest Pappa ever ,and if there is anything good about me,I owe it to the luckiest daughter in the whole world to have a wonderful Pappa like you...Love you alooooooot...more than I can ever express..more than I can ever explain..and you have pampered me alot,you still do,you still wait with one rupee coin at the railway station whenever you come to pick me up from Aluva..Thank God, I cant thank you enough Allah..for giving me such a wonderful father.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Amazing Manaliiii !!!

So,with the fever,vomitting and very weak physical health...we,started off to Kulu- road..but sad that I couldnt enjoy the drive,as I was getting weaker..and I vomitted the half apple which I managed to eat as breakfast..and the temperature was raising..but the road to Manali ,kept me going..the scenic beauty of India can take your breath away.We saw the apple trees,the anar trees..and the beautiful,clear river ...on both sides of the road..people were river rafting in between..because of my weak physical condition I missed that opportunity..InshaAllah next time..we could see many army vehicles on our way to Manali..they were troops ,who were going to Leh,Ladakh protect us , I was thinking how can they fight,in such a freezing are they surviving even there..the patriotism,the attitude to never give up may be..really felt like saluting each and every soldier of Indian Army.Jai Hind.

We reached Manali,afternoon..the hotel again was beautiful,was located in a great,location too.The view from the room was beautiful..we could see the Himalayas..and I was feeling the cold even :-).Thought will take rest,the rest of the day as I was very weak and was shivering..swallowed 2-3 paracetamol and went to sleep.But the temperature kept on raising,according to my hubby..I was so hot that he couldnt even touch me :p. So we decided to consult a doctor.And we got a cab from hotel itself and the cabby took us to a hospital in the mall road. We went to the emergency section..there were5-6 patients already admitted in the casuality..a nurse came and asked me what happened and all...she checked the temperature,and bp..and said fever is there..101 degree ..then my hubby told her that I am not eating vomitting even water..and the time the doctor came,a young guy,who looked like Virat Kohli..he was doing his internship I think..anyways he is a junior doctor..he also did the same things..asked me when I got fever..I said almost 4 days back..then he scolded me..and you are coming took any medicine he asked..I said yeah I had some paracetamol etc from the hotel itself..he was laughing..and told the nurse..achcha tho abhi hotel wala bhi treatment shuru kiya..tho hum kya karenge idhar !He advised me to have proper take keep away from cold..and he prescribed me an injection..and a box full of tablets...I was so weak to speak..otherwise I could have asked him if he wants me to have have only these tablets..then we went back to the hotel.after the soon as we reached hotel..Manu started to try to make me eat something..and after a long speech and all he made me eat an apple..and the tablets. But within 15 minutes I vomitted the apple and the rest of the night I went on eating something n vomitting it.

But all these things didnt stop us from exploring Manali. We decided to visit Rohtang Pass..where there will be snow round the year..and we were told that we can try ice skeing we went to one of the many outlets on the streets..on the way to Rohtang pass. We rented out the skeing suits,boots, etc from there..and an instructor also came with us. Our driver took us to the highest point where he can take the car,from there we were asked to ride on a horse to reach the place. My hubby,the instructor and the Horse care taker made me sit on the horse, horse was a huge one..white in colour..I really admired him,when we started our journey uphil.Only horses can climb up the hill I felt..we were given instruction how to bend down when we are climbing up and how to stay back firm when we are climbing down. But we couldnt reach Rohtang Pass,the Kashmir border,because the roads were closed beacause of the bad climate,it rained there in Manali too..and the roads were blocked because of land slides and heavy snow. But I strongly suggest that all of you guyz should visit Manali once in a life time..the scenic beauty is breath taking man..I could only whisper myself Masha Allah..Subhanallah..where else can be the paradise on green,so stunning...

And we reached the snow point after a tough 1 hour horse ride. The snow was dirty,because of the rain..we couldnt recognize it is snow actually..I was wondering why people are skeing in the mud :p. when we stepped in,then only I understood its snow.Though the I nstructor asked me to give it a try I was not that daring at that particular time. I was struggling to stand up even..and he was asking me to try some point I was even breathless..and I didnt disappoint the snow point ..I vomitted there also :p. Our instructor was a good photographer too. he took some lovely snaps for us..he managed to get a piece of ice from that we can convince you guyz,it was actually snow..and we really visitted the snow point !

After many attempts, hubby succeeded in skeing..and I was worried about the photographs which I managed to took..I have to make him and the others convince that he was actually skeing..and that was a tough task indeed,as I am  very bad in photography.I was feeling very hungry after 4 days...and there were shops which served hot maggie..we ordered hot maggies and tasted really have hot maggie in such freezing was superb. We spent almost 3 hours there..then we went back to the place where our car was parked. My horse was doing a great admiration for horses was increasing day by day. We got in to the car..and drove between we stopped the see the apple trees..and hubby took some snaps as well. By the time we reached back hotel,I was again weak and again we went to the ask the doctor whether I should need a saline I was not able to eat anything.But the doctor said,it will take almost 8 hours and they will have to admit me there..we have to start our journey next day early morning to we came back..with the same medicines. Next day Chandigarh..we had to climb down the whole Himachal reach Punjab. The drive,to be honest was terrific..may be because I was very weak...otherwise I could have enjoyed the trip. Our driver ,who was with us thorughout the trip,Ashok dropped us at Chandigarh airport. Chandigarh is a very nice,clean,well maintained city,I must say. We waited for our flight to 3 days more in Mumbai..then again back to Dubai..really wished those 3 days never come to an end.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

On This Independence Day !

What is Independence day for us? A holiday,a day to go to school only to get sweets,to stand in an assembly,and always listening to the same stories about Gandhiji, Nehru, Bhagat Singh and other famous freedom fighters..and if you are a member of scouts and guides / NCC..a day to wear your uniform and have a pay a salute to the Indian flag..and to return home with all the sweets collected from everywhere to watch the Independence day special movie on television. Well, that was Independence day for me :p because I have never known what is Independence.. I can only guess how India was before I have every freedom in my country,anyone can sit and go on a hunger strike,and the police will give protection, anyone can pop in to anyone's personal life if you belong to a channel..or if you are a media person..we have the freedom to speak out,the freedom to write anything,the freedom to travel around,the freedom to live..and we dont know how it feels to be in chains..

I know India is a corrupt country,but who made it so..can anyone of you swear that you wont bribe anyone for your things to get done..we all do that..we all do want things to happen so fast and the easy way.we only made India corrupt,we only started bribing them..and now we cant stop it ,one fine day..It will take time..a new corrupt free generation has to raise..who love their country,who wants  India to fly in high colours, who wont hesitate to join politics,army,civil services etc..only to serve our country.If you cannot do anything to change our country,you cant blame it on India..India is our motherland..she gave birth to us..its her children who is making her corrupt..and the crowd includes you and me too. I would like to join politics,civil service,or army to serve India..but I know its difficult to make India,corruption free so fast. India really needs a crowd who is really patriotic..who is proud to be an Indian,inspite of all her drawbacks..and who is willing to change it. No country is perfect,we have to make it perfect. India is really incredible..its such a huge country ,with a very high population,with many languages,many cultures,many traditions,many relegions,many casts,and the landscape even is changing from state to state. Still we are one..thats our power,thats our strength, unity in diversity..Am an Indian matter whether I am from Kerala,no matter whether I am a Hindu,Muslim or christian or belong to any other relegion..dont matter whether I am black or an Indian first..and I am proud to be one.

So,before complaining about our lovely country,please remember that whatever and however it is..she is our mother..and its our responsibilty to make her make her corruption free etc.And we have never known how it feels to live in a country,which is ours but is ruled by someone else..we are lucky enough to be born and brought up in an independent India..cherish it..and please pay tribute to those soldiers who have lost their lives to protect a salute to each and every freedom fighter who fought till death to gain us for me,Independece day is not another holiday anymore..its not a day to get sweets and to watch special movies anymore..I am happy that India is free and I am proud to be an Indian!

But inspite of all damn sure you will get a patriotic feel when you see our flag raising and flying in the air..and when you hear our national anthem..indeed SARE JAHAN SE ACHCHA,HINDUSTHAN HAMARA !

Friday, August 12, 2011


Once Upon a time.....we were in love,we cared,we trusted,we understood,and we appreciated each other !!! Once upon a time, I felt like am the only girl in this world..he made me feel like I feel ,I no longer live in this world..true love is when someone loves you for the person you are..if they want to change you..then that means they are not in love with you..they are in love with the person ,whom they want you to be..I can only be me..I cant be anyone else..but still i tried a lot..tried my best..and in the end..i lost myself..I changed , I lost all the fire i had,all the positive things i had..all the happiness and smartness i had.. I didnt get anything..and lost all I had..

Monday, August 8, 2011

Shimlaaaa !!!

We started around 6.30 in the was raining on all our way to Shimla from Delhi.The road to Shimla was so beautiful..I was having a bad cold and throat infection though..I really enjoyed the journey. We noticed a cable car service, when we were about 70 km's away from Shimla.So we got down there and had a cable car was awesome..the view was spectacular..there was a hotel located atop..and this cable car service was actually for the hotel guests..but they said we can also pay them and have a we went to the hotel compound..had a hot coffee,..which was really good coz of the chilling weather out there...Our hotel in Shimla was also situated on a car wont go till the hotel we had to get down, and walk for about 20 minutes..actually we were climbing the I got so tired..with the walk,with the freezing weather after the rains..and my cold n bad throat. Somehow I managed to reach the hotel..and within half an body responded..I got a high temperature...had some tablets from the hotel itself..and took rest for the rest of the day..I was freezing...but the view from our hotel was superb..we had a sunset point in our hotel..and the sunset was superb! So I was saving all my energy to explore Shimla,next day.Next day,after our breakfast..we got out..we went to the highest peak of Shimla,which is about 11,500 feet above sea level..we had around 3 n half hours horse ride,as only horse can take us there..especially the road was muddy after the admiration to horse grew much more after that ride!My horse's name was Chunilal, we got another couple for company we were when we were climbing our way,Chunilal stopped in between..and my hubby,the other couple ,and the helper guy went in front..and Chunilal didnt move a bit..I was in a dilemma..I told him.'dekho Chunilal..wo log sab nikal gaya..sirf hum bacha hain..thumhe koi bhi problem ho..wo mere saath math dikhavo.." maybe he understood...he started to climb up the hill..with me..then he was on a race..he always wanted to reach in in short..I was in trouble..all the time with Chunilal..when we reached the highest peak..Chunilal was not letting me to get down even !! We had to climb up 750 steps from there to reach the highest peak was tiresome..but it was all worth the pain!

On our way to the highest peak- Kufri, we stopped in between to see the scenic beauty of Shimla valley..with devtharu trees all was so green..and during winter season..thats from November to February it all will be seen as white..with the snow on top of all the we should visit Shimla and Manali during winter to see the other face.There was a group of locals..who will provide us the traditional attire..and we can take pictures wearing that traditional dress and ornaments..but the problem was that,they wanted to take the pics in their camera,and will print it and give us the copy..we said..who is using print outs this age..we dont need that..but can you take some snaps in our camera instead..but they agreed that they can take some snaps in our camera..but they need to take pictures in their camera and will leave the print outs at the hotel,by evening..and we agreed.Anyways it was nice to look like a local there..for some time :) and after seeing the photos many of my friends commented that we look good in that dress..should keep it :) .It rained in between..when we were on our way to the highest peak of Shimla..making the weather more awesome n freeezing..I wish if I could take a vedio of all those scenaries and post it that you can get an idea how beautiful Shimla is !

Jaipur - The Pink City !

On our way to Jaipur,as I told you in my last post..we visitted Fateh Pur Sikri..after that we checked in our hotel, we were actually tired of the long drive, and the hot climate of Jaipur. So we took some rest..and after a shower,we just got out..hired an auto rickshaw and we went to a restraunt there..had typical Rajasthani Thali..then we went to the cinema,Raj Mandir..which is famous for its glamorous interior designs and arrangments..we took tickets for the Salman Khan movie,'Ready' and managed to watch it till interval..and left the our hotel..Jaipur is a clean n nice city compared to Agra..only problem we had was with the was too hot..we got nice climates in Delhi n Agra..but in Jaipur we could feel the summer. So again I had a shower and went to sleep,only to wake up in the morning with a bad cold n fever :-(

And in the morning,after breakfast we set out to explore Jaipur. First we went to Hawa Mahal-the palace of winds,which was built in 1799 by the poet king Sawai Pratap Singh for the royal ladies to enjoy the procession and day to day activities from the cool confinement of this majestic facade. The neighbouring buildings are all pink in colour..actually Jaipur is pink now in this particular street only.  Then we went to the Amber Fort,which is the handiwork of three Kachhwahas rulers,Man Singh,Jai Singh 1 and Jai Singh 11.The mighty Fort stands atop a range of craggy hills about 11 kms,from Jaipur city,on the Jaipur-Delhi highway. The serene Maota lake at the base of the hill adds to the beauty of the fort.Originally the palaces were built by Raja Bharmal in 1558,and his successor Raja Man Singh,several other structures were added to the fort by their descendents,but all of these lie in ruins today.Then we visitted the City Palace,built between 1729 n 1732,by Sawai Jai Singh,and sebsequently various structures were added to it by his successors.Then we visitted the Jantar Mantar,which was built by the astronomer king,Sawai Jai Singh 11 in 1728.To be honest i didnt understand how someone could measure the local time,the altitude of stars and constellations,the sun's declination,meridian,and determine eclipses using that structure !!Then we went to the Govt.Central Museum-Albert hall..Albert Hall was opened in 1887,as a public museum and is the oldest museum of the state.It houses a large collection of archeological and handicraft pieces. Then we were taken to the Jal Mahal,or the Water Palace,which was built by Sawai Pratap Singh,in1799,in the midst of picturesque Man Sagar Lake,as summer resort and pleasure spot.The Man Sagar Lake was formed by constructing a dam between the two hills by Sawai Man Singh 11 for meeting the growing demand of water in Jaipur city.The summer heat of Jaipur really tired us..and we both got a very bad tan within one day ! So we decided to call it a day and went back to hotel by 7 pm.We had a shower and went out for a walk..and had dinner from a restraunt,which was just opposite our fever was getting I had a soup :)

Our plan was to go back to Delhi,next day morning..will stay one more day in Delhi,and the next day will go to Shimla !!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Agra- Dream in marble !!

So the next day,we went to Agra..indeed the dream in marble. On our way, we visitted the Agra Fort..what an architecture kept me wondering how did they manage to build such an amazing fort in that age...hats off words to describe the architecture and their ideas..after Agra Fort,we went to Itmad ud daulah-it was built by Noorjahan to her father,Mirza Ghias Beg, and her mother.Mumataz Mahal's parents also lie buried in one of the side rooms.Then we visitted the Sikandra-where Akbar,the greatest of the Mughals lies buried.Then we went to our hotel, checked in and took rest..after the long drive from Delhi to Agra n all the above mentioned site visits.

Next day morning, the most awaited..Taj Mahal ! Taj-the symbol of love..the miracle in marble..what a sight man it was built by Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan,to enshrine the mortal remains of his beloved wife Mumtaz Mahal.It is said that over thirty one million rupees were spent on it and it took 20,000 men to build it in 22 years.This incomparable masterpiece,in white marble was begun in 1631,a year after the queen's death,rising from a terrace overlooking the Yamuna.We got some professional photographers to take some snaps for us..people were so peacefully waiting for their turn to take the most wanted n desired and around the Taj! We had our dinner,in the hotel itself..with some nice gazals in the back ground and the view of the Taj in the night from the terrace! We visitted Fateh Pur Sikri-the city of victory,on our way to Jaipur-the pink city. Fateh pur sikri stands as a witness of Akbar's splendid efforts to achieve a synthesis between Hindu and Muslim cultures. The main buildings that attract us are Diwan i Aam, Diwan i Khas,Astrologers seat,Khwabagah,Turkish Sultana's house,Pachisi court, Panch Mahal,Mariyam's House,Jodha Bai's Palace,Birbal's house,the stables,Jami i Masjid,the dargah of sheikh Salim Chisti and the world renowned gateway of victory,Buland Darwaza.


friends are the best gift god can bless us with....we categorize our friends as best friends,intimate friends,sweet friends,close friends...childhood friends..i have always believed that a friend is someone who understands your past,believes in your future and accepts you today just the way you are...and i have always believed that a best friend is someone who knows you morethan anyone and someone who will be there for you always..who will be there with you always no matter what happens ...
But recently i came across a new friend...who cant be described as my best friend,my intimate friend,or close friend or as my bestest friend either...i think i can describe that friend as my great friend....yeah great friend just walked in to my life, was with me for sometime...gave me all the pleasure a friend can give in such a short period....taught me manythings...made me understand what i am...and just walked away...leaving such a big change in me...and leaving a never fading mark in my heart....and thats what a great friend is...
My ever dearest great friend,

Thank you soooo much for everything...n i will always cherish your friendship...i always cherish the moment you came in to my life...and i always wish and pray that our friendship lasts forever.....
love,more love and a lot more....

Indiaaaaa---Incredible India !!

Last month, me and my hubby was planning for a vaccation..we really needed a break and was craving to escape the heat of dubai. we first thought of visitting Malasia,Singapore n Thailand. And we went to our travel agents to book our vaccation and get our itenary but unfortunately or fortunately we got the appointment for visa july last we dropped the idea as on aug 1st ramzan will be starting and we need to comeback before that.Then we planned Turkey,again the same problem with the visa. Then I told my hubby,why dont we go to the Incredible India..,our land..where we dont need a visa..and where we have lots to discover..and thus we decided we will explore the splendour,the beauty and the diversity of India.

And we started off to India on 8th july..first we went to Delhi,the capital of India. I was all excited to be there..the new Indira Gandhi International airport is great..really felt happy that I belong to this country.Our driver n car was waiting for us at the airport.I have heard lots of sardar ji jokes..but never experianced one in my life. There was a sardar jee in our flight itself...after we landed in Delhi airport, we were all waiting at the arrivals..then this Sardar ji,who was in que just after me..asked another man in the que,' excuse me Bhai saab..aap aagaye ho ? ya jaa rahe ho?" then that man replied him " ab andhar jaa rahan hoon' then the sardar ji said" ok thank you " and he left the que..i still dont understand why he left the que..and where he went :p.
we landed in Delhi,early on our way to the hotel, she ( Delhi) was just waking up..still sleepy..and she looked awesome..the driver said it rained last night..and the weather also was awesome after the rains...on our way to hotel itself I got to see the India Gate,I still cant express how i felt when i saw that..

Our hotel was in sundar nagar, a well secured,calm place.we checked in slept till 11..then we called up our driver..and he took us to a famous restraunt. As my hubby is a foody..he had gone through the list of all famous eat outs in Delhi.We had thandoori..the real taste of India. Then we were taken to Rashtrapati Bhavan,Secretariet,India Gate, Raj path,Humayoun's tomb rained again when we were infront of India was awesome to see Delhi, in the rains..The Amar jawan Jyoti ,really awakened my patriotism.For the first time in my life,I wanted to be a politician..when I visitted the Raj Path,Rashtrapati bhavan,Secretariet etc :p..I was really feeling proud to be an Indian..evening the driver left us at the hotel. We just took a shower and called for a cab and again went out..the cabby was a part time guide too..he showed us every bit of Delhi,he could within the time limit..when we went to the Jantar Mantar he commented" Anna idhar baitha thaa' he meant Anna Hazare ! My foody hubby's concern was we asked him about Karim's restraunt which was famous..and decided we will have lunch from there next day tonight we will have from another restraunt,which is near our hotel only.The cabby dropped us at Old fort..where we saw the light and sound show of Delhi's history.From our cabby we got an info that India cricketer Kapil Dev is  our neighbour..he is staying near by..and he goes for a morning walk everyday..and will shake hands with everyone..he is very down to earth..etc..I really wanted to get up early and meet him..but was so tired and slept..when Kapil Dev was having his morning walk :).

Second day morning we visitted..The Red Fort,The Qutub Minar,Jama masjid,Safd arjang tomb,Nizam ud din's Shrine,Lodi gardens,Chandni Chowk,Raj Ghat etc.The architecture,the splendour and glory of India..took my breath away.It was raining when we were in Red Fort,chandni chowk etc..we hired a rikshaw..and we were taken to the Old was an awesome feeling. I noticed a guy..who got a piese of soap from somewhere..taking a shower in the happens only in India! The lunch at Kareem's restraunt was a different feeling..the food was was so crowded..the only difference was the customers were not the kings was the bearers who were the kings was a great day indeed..we went to Connaught place in the night..had dinner from there..Delhi was celebrating the did day we were about to visit Agra..dream in marble...

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Oh my dear Lord !!!

Dont ever be so cruel to any situation..there should be a can test ,you can decide,you can punish each of your creations..still they also should have a right..afterall its all as per your wish..whatever they do,whatever they say,however they act, whatever they think even, is pre decided by you..and then you only punish them..i think this is seriously rediculous..its like you are playing with a large number of characters ..and you have made all of them very sensitive as well..

In my case know me better than are my father..,its from you I was created..its as per your wish I was born,brough up..and my character also is designed by you..and you only know what future is awaiting me..and you are giving me somuch pain..its becoming unbearable now..atleast you should give your characters the strength to bear the mental and physical torture you are giving them..that should be really fair enough dear Lord..atleast lets just have a discussion about it..I am sure many others will join my cause..and they will support we are pleading you to think about it..common God, in this year should be a bit more flexible..and social..its high time you should have a facebook/twitter/ or a blog that we can keep in touch with you !!!
ദൈവമേ നീ എന്തിന്‍ ഇത്ര ക്രൂരനവുന്നു? എന്നെ പരീക്ഷിച് ഇനിയും മതിയായില്ലേ ?ഒരാളെ പരീക്ഷിക്കുന്നതിന്‍ ഒരു പരിധിയുണ്ടാവനം ..എത്ര തവണ തെളിയിക്കണം ഞാന്‍ സ്ട്രോങ്ങ്‌ ആണെന്ന! എനിക്ക് നിന്റെ ലോകത്തെയും നീ സൃഷ്‌ടിച്ച മനുഷ്യരെയും മനസ്സിലാവുന്നില്ല..നീ തന്നെയാണ ഇതിന്റെയെല്ലാം പുറകില്‍ എന്ന എനിക്കറിയാം..നിന്റെ തീരുമാനങ്ങള്‍ക്ക് അനുസരിച്ചന്‍ ഓരോ മനുഷ്യനും പെരുമാറുന്നത് പോലും..പിന്നെ നീ എന്തിന്‍ അതിന്റെ ശിക്ഷയും ഞങ്ങള്ക് തരുന്നു?എന്റെ പ്രിയപ്പെട്ട ദൈവമേ...ദയവു ചെയ്ത് ഒന്ന് നിര്‍ത്..എനിക്ക് ഇനി വയ്യ..ഒട്ടും വയ്യ...

Sunday, May 8, 2011

My Mom

Its true that,i have always been closer to my pappa..and i always used to share things with my pappa more than i did with my umma..and i always quarrelled with umma. i have always been a rebel infront of my mother. as a teenager i should have been the worst daughter anyone can think of..i was and am very stubborn..very rude and a very careless type of a daughter..

Umma, i have never told you howmuch i love you,howmuch you mean to me and all..but i have always told pappa about it and i have always let everyone else know howmuch each of them mean to me n howmuch i love each of them...but i have never told you..its because i was so stupid and stubborn that i never wanted to tell you that i love you n you mean somuch to me and most of everything i missed you most in my life! yeah thats the fact behind all my stubborn,rude,careless character...i always missed you and i was always left alone at were busy were a working woman, i can understand your situation now..but then still i think why only me was left brother n sister had many beautiful moments with you..only i didnt have i was angry,desperate,and sad...and all these emotions came out as a rude,rebelious daughter..
but today i wanna let you know umma, i love you mean a looooot to me...and i miss you still in my life....and despite of all these fact you have known me very well love me a lot..and you are a great mother you umma...miss you...

Sunday, March 13, 2011

The worst feeling...

Do you know the worst feeling in life is feeling alone.. Am just alone .